Monday 23 May 2011


Hello guys..hope everything's fine~~;-)..erm,rutin paling kerap  mlm2 sekarang ni,asyik tgok bintang je mlm2...2 hari lepas tgok bintang dgn Dinie and Dompot..(Who're they??)~~My coursemates..=)..they are soooo sweeet~~lol!!just kidding..They are a very very best friend...=)Lepak2 kat UMP Pekan Pahang ni sambil tgok bulan dan jgak~~hehe.. There is so much beauty in the natural world available to us to enjoy, so much unknown for us to explore, and so much for us to imagine..Subhanallah~~have you been try to connect the stars to form pictures or objects??Sy dh cuba tp 1 pon!Then,Have you been count the stars??It might sounds silly tp sebenarnya seronok jgak...walaupun kita sememangnya tahu yang memang xterkira pon..hihihi...p/s:to my future mr right,"nanti kirakan bintang utk sy yer...xpon,sambung2 la bintang wat objek ke?haha""teeelll!!sudah!!stop!!jgn nk ngarut la Shana oi...haha..back to the story~~

Cantiknya ciptaan Illahi,Subhanallah~
Tetiba terfikir,mcmana la agaknya bintang tu sebenarnya??How does it form?How does it die??by the way sebelum tu,ada kajian yg dibuat oleh ahli astronomi NASA,bintang sebenarnya boleh dikira berdasarkan apa yang kita nmpak sebab xsemua bintang kita boleh nampak, Hanya beberapa bintang sahaja yang mampu dilihat dengan mata kasar. It depends on the surrounding area..If you live in a bright city, the air pollution in the sky and the bright city light fade out the night sky. Only the brightest stars have a chance to make it through the,who says we can't count??lol! Tp bintang xhidup selamanya..Bintang juga akan mati...
Lihat gambaran  Al Quran mengenai bintang-bintang yang berjatuhan dan penghapusan bintang-bintang tersebut seperti-
Firman Allah SWT:

وَإِذَا النُّجُومُ انكَدَرَتْ

Maksudnya: "Dan apabila bintang-bintang berjatuhan." (Takwir :2)
Dan dalam surah lain Allah berfirman :

فَإِذَا النُّجُومُ طُمِسَتْ
"Dan apabila bintang-bintang itu dihapuskan." (Mursalat : 8)
Telah pun dibuktikan di dlam Al-Quran dan ahli astronomi juga mendapati bintang itu akan mati apabila kandungan gas heliumnya habis...wah,erm,mcmana la hari kiamat nnt ye?semua bintang akan berguguran dan bertaburan!!pasti dasyat!!
Walaupun berjuta bintang di atas sana,namun,mereka masih di langit yang sama..Menemani setiap malam yang gelap bertemankan bulan yang sama. Jadi,kita masih berkongsi bintang yang sama,,,=)
pssssssttt:to my future mr right(husband larrr)haha.nnt tgok bintang sama2 yer..haha

Thursday 19 May 2011

~ThE TrUtH aBOuT....~~(gIrLs oNLy)

Hello buddies..Assalamualaikum~~What's going on??Hope everything is fine...=)..Post arini??erm..just wanna share with u guys about something I read today...erm,tittle post tu sje je tulis for girls only sbb tkut plak ada guys terasa sbb buku yang baca td tu pasal lelaki jgak...haha...tajuknya "The Truth About Cheating" by M. Gary Neumal..tjuknya memang general tp dalamnya semua psal lelaki..haha..maybe they are true cheaters kot... MAYBE!!nk cakap xbleh jgak sebab ada jgak kan perempuan pon menipu..tapi lelaki lagi aktif la!

Buku ini telah menemuramah 200 lelaki yang mengaku pernah berbohong kepada sahabat dan pasangan masing2. Menurut kajian seramai 66% lelaki mempunyai perasaan BERSALAH terhadap individu yang mereka tipu..Manakala 34% lagi tidak berasa sedemikian..MOTIF xrasa bersalah??hoho...

Fakta lagi,77% lelaki menipu berkawan baik dengan lelaki yang juga suka menipu..So,BEWARE girls!!Tp xboleh jgak nk tuduh kawan dia tu penipu sebab masih ada 23% lagi yang tinggal..We just have to beware!!!That's it!!

Kenapa perlu menipu ye??
Bukan semua lelaki yang menipu itu tergolong dalam kalangan yang tidak setia @ jujur kepada sahabat/ pasangan mereka namun mereka bertanggapan bahawa penipuan mereka tersebut hanyala utk menjaga hati sahabat/pasangan mereka..
AAAaaaRRggHHH!!!xboleh terima langsung alasan tu kan?Motif nak jaga hati sahabat/ pasangan smpai nk tipu2...dlam persahabat/hubungan benda yang paling penting smestinya jujur..xgitu.mmgla kita bukan malaikat utk xbuat langsung but try to avoid it!.So,just be honest!!That's all...Klu menipu skali pun then,tetiba kantoi,jaga hati ke camtu..xjugak kan...Wanna know something,ada 9 sebab persahabatan dan perhubungan boleh terlerai dalan salah 1 sebabnya menipu la..

Menipu adalah "pembunuh" utama dalam sebuah perhubungan. Ia umpama ledakan gunung berapi yang meletus hebat. Ada yang menipu untuk "menyelamatkan" sebuah perhubungan, namun mereka tidak mahu hati pasangan terluka. Sesetengah orang tidak dapat menerima bahawa hati mereka telah dipermainkan.

hmm..see!!klu lelaki tu jujur dlm pershabatan/hubungan,watpe nk tipu..Klau dlam hubungan xtahula perlu ke x tipu tu(I don't know) tp klu dalam persahabatan motif sgt kan nk menipu...Sahabat yang ditipu itu boleh merasakan bahawa dirinya telah dipermainkan. bayangkan orang yang paling kita percaya,rapat dan sangat sayang sebagai sahabat menipu anda...Semestinya anda tertanya2..Kenapa perlu menipu?Adakah kita tidak dianggap sebagai sahabat??Apa yang cuba disembunyikan?ataupun,kita hanyalah boneka??Mesti rasa mcam tu punya..Kita bukannya robot nk think positive sajo..hhohoho...

So,to the girls,(including me)ntahla kan nak wat camne?so,klu dh kena tipu tu pasrah jelah kot...haha...and to the guys yang TERbaca,haha...jangan pernah terlewat utk meminta maaf and kalau dah menipu tu,perasaan bersalah kena lah ada kan?so,That's all!!bye2!

p/s:post ini hanya untuk dikongsi ddrpd sumber bacaan sahaja..Tidak ada kena mengena dengan yang hidup ataupun yang telah mati..terima kasih..hehe=)
please choose honestly!=)

Tuesday 10 May 2011

LoVe LIke ThIS...

just wanna share with u guys about love like this??like what??(not my love story)! unexpressed love!!don't let this happen in your future.. It just gonna hurts you and someone else...check this story out!!

"10th grade

As I sat there in English class, I stared at the girl next to me. She was my so called "best friend". I stared at her long, silky hair, and wished she was mine. But she didn't notice me like that, and I knew it. After class, she walked up to me and asked me for the notes she had missed the day before and handed them to her. She said "thanks" and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I wanted to tell her, I want her to know that I don't want to be just friends, I love her but I'm just too shy, and I don't know why.

11th grade
The phone rang. On the other end, it was her. She was in tears, mumbling on and on about how her love had broke her heart. She asked me to come over because she didn't want to be alone, so I did. As I sat next to her on the sofa, I stared at her soft eyes, wishing she was mine. After 2 hours, one Drew Barrymore movie, and three bags of chips, she decided to go to sleep. She looked at me, said "thanks" and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I want to tell her, I want her to know that I don't want to be just friends, I love her but I'm just too shy, and I don't know why.

Senior year
The day before prom she walked to my locker. My date is sick" she said; he's not going to go well, I didn't have a date, and in 7th grade, we made a promise that if neither of us had dates, we would go together just as "best friends". So we did. Prom night, after everything was over, I was standing at her front door step. I stared at her as she smiled at me and stared at me with her crystal eyes. I want her to be mine, but she isn't think of me like that, and I know it. Then she said "I had the best time, thanks!" and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I want to tell her, I want her to know that I don't want to be just friends, I love her but I'm just too shy, and I don't know why.

Graduation Day
A day passed, then a week, then a month. Before I could blink, it was graduation day. I watched as her perfect body floated like an angel up on stage to get her diploma. I wanted her to be mine, but she didn't notice me like that, and I knew it. Before everyone went home, she came to me in her smock and hat, and cried as I hugged her. Then she lifted her head from my shoulder and said, "you're my best friend, thanks" and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I want to tell her, I want her to know that I don't want to be just friends, I love her but I'm just too shy, and I don't know why.

A Few Years Later
Now I sit in the pews of the church. That girl is getting married now. I watched her say "I do" and drive off to her new life, married to another man. I wanted her to be mine, but she didn't see me like that, and I knew it. But before she drove away, she came to me and said "you came!". She said "thanks" and kissed me on the cheek. I want to tell her, I want her to know that I don't want to be just friends, I love her but I'm just too shy, and I don't know why.

Years passed, I looked down at the coffin of a girl who used to be my "best friend". At the service, they read a diary entry she had wrote in her high school years. This is what it read: I stare at him wishing he was mine, but he doesn't notice me like that, and I know it. I want to tell him, I want him to know that I don't want to be just friends, I love him but I'm just too shy, and I don't know why. I wish he would tell me he loved me! `I wish I did too...` I thought to my self, and I cried.
or are u ignoring my heart??don't be so blind! how??!!get the point rite??but love always gonna be like complicated but maybe it can be less when we fix it..but for me,xmanis la kan klu perempuan yg mulakan..wanita kan insan yang!.walau apa pun mestila lelaki yg perlu  start to step..if u are a coward guy,so,it's gonna be like this case,i'm blaming on the guy...tinggi betul,the guys out there,be brave to admit your feeling and don't let it end up like this are hurting yourself and someone else..

At last but not least,I got this quotation from HR Abu Daud Al Jimidzyd.
"Apabila seseorang mencintai saudaranya (saudara seagama) maka hendakla ia memberitau bahawa ia mencintainya."
So,don't let it go!!peace~~~


11th May 2011..
4 am
hello third post!!!lalala~~it's raining out there now and I'm alone...don't know what to do right now...nk tido xngantok...nk study dh abes exam...what i can do,just online and listening to songs...ooppss!!haha...tetiba teringin nk ckp psal LOVe!!!what is that thing??~~talk to the hand...I don't know what is that means..I'm not in any,don't ask me...lala~~(actually im asking myself=P)lol!but all I can say,Love to Allah is Pure,Love to family is Must and love to someone is sooooo might hurts u and it might makes u happy...but somehow we can't avoid them..Am I rite??i just finished read a book about love..well~mentang2 dh abis exam..l0l!!bukannya pe..sje nak tau psal hukum hakam bercinta antara lelaki n perempuan ni dlm Islam..pengetahuan's kinda motivation book for Islam...especially for teenagers...dlam buku tu ada ckp psal hukum cinta says.."perasaan cinta antara lelaki dan perempuan tidak berdosa kerana cinta datangnya dari Allah dan hambaNya tidak boleh menafikan atau elak dr adanya perasaan itu..Namun ianya hanya akan menjadi haram apabila mereka melanggar syariat dengan menghalalkan perkara yg dimurkai Allah..Allah mencipta Adam utk membimbing Hawa"....erm,itula yg dikeluarkan tp wallahuallam...Tp apa2 pun Dia lebih tahu...

Tindakan tidak menghalalkan cara...

so,bergantung kpd lovers tu masing2 la nk tentukan cinta diorg di cinta yg haram ataupun cinta yang diredhai Allah...Cinta ada banyak,cinta nafsu(cinta yang berlandaskan nafsu),cinta syaitan(cinta yang dipaksa melalui pertolongan jin dan syaitan)dan cinta yang paling mulia adalah cinta Allah(Allah pertemukan jodoh dan akhirnya berkahwin kerana Allah)dan cinta Allah yg paling kekal selamanya~~~
"Pasangan couple semestinya bercinta sebelum kahwin,tapi pasangan bercinta sebelum kahwin tidak semestinya bercouple.."  -Renung2kan dan selamat beramal...=)

Thursday 5 May 2011

SibLiNg'S dAy OuT!!!!!!

2nd post!!!lol!!This time just wanna talk about my siblings..(bff)..we are,Nabiha(Kak Long),Izzati(Kak Ngah),Arina(Adik "tua")and me (Kak cik)!kitorg semua mmg masuk air..In the other words,"gila2 la" senangla masuk kepala...nak wat kerja gila pon sama2 la...wee~~ada satu hari tu,we hang out in KL without plan..tup2!beli tiket jom p!!haha...agak mereng la dh la smua pokkai...boleh plak g,let's know what happened to us...haha...

Malam sblom bertolak,kitorg g Kuantan..Biha n Zati nk balik umah..well,diorg kan org KL..and plus arina pon nk balik umah makcik,shana pon g teman je diorg beli tiket..tiba zati:"akak,tiket g KL 4.."huh??that's mean I'm included....camne ni...dh beli tiket ikot sajola...
Then, malam esoknya nek bas...naik dpan UmP...dlm tiket ada seat number tgk2 dlm bas duduk random je..cakitnyer ati...dh la smua,what to do??xkan nk turun plak kan?duduk sajala..lgpun 3 jam je...smpai kat pekeliling dh pkul 11.30mlm..sunyi giler..KL pon  sunyi jgak rupanya..hehehe..Then, 15 minit kemudian mak Zati dtg...smpai je umah Zati,dinner time..banyak jugak mak dy masak...suruh abis kan...for us,that's no a problem...ape lg mesti la semua abis...hahaha...kesian jgak kat mak dy.."susah2 je masakkan utk kitorg",penat diorg bahan shana psal shana keluarkan statement tu..tetiba hang kejap...that's from the bottom of my heart okay!!..hahaha.

KEESOKKAN HARINYA,penggembaraan bermula...pkul 12 kot,dh siap,kitorg dr umah zati pon nak kluar...tup2!ujan..terpaksala mak dy htr g stesen komuter..kan nyusahkan mak dy tu..ish2!!haha..

Kak cik,Kak Ngah and adek

Kak Long plak


smpai kat stesen komuter,dh beli tiket dr Cahaya ke Masjid Jamek..tgok2,komuter smpai...ape lagi cepat2 la kena lari kan..shana,arina n biha lari masuk dlm komuter dh..tgok2,zati kat belakang melenggang kangkung lagi...pintu dh berbunyi..rilex lagi,jeritla kitorg panggil dy..tetiba bru dy tersedar yg dy tu dh nk kena sempat lg jerit kecil dlu sblom lari masuk...tetina konpius kjap..spe org KL ni..haha..hang kjap je..ingat hp je boleh hang,org pon hang jgak..hihi..kidding je zati syg yer....=)
Smpai kat masjid jamek plak trus naik ke KLCC plak...

Smpai KLCC ramainya org..biasala kan?then,terus nk gi Petrosains..naik la lif..jumpa kanak2..shana suka usik bdak2..."hye,hensem..meh kat akak"pe lg muka budah tu jd merah giler,,,malu sgt2 kot..terus sorok muka,,,haha..budak2 pon tau malu..trus gi pertosains lpas tu..wee~

we're on screen!!

pe lg dlm petrosains tu bergambar la..hahaha..'

semua tmpat nk bergambar..haha..then,...kitorg pergi terowong masa..nk balik ke masa kanak2 la..haha..buktinya..

dlm proses kembali ke masa silam tu..tgok2 xboleh..terpaksalah terima kenyataan yg km dh tua..haha...ooppss salah!bukan tua tp dewasa...=P..dkat depan terowong masa tu adalah pekerja petrosains jgak tanya,org malaysia ke??pelik banget..ingat kitorg foreigner plak...ntah la knp dy terfikir camtu..haha..
walaupun terowong masa xberjaya jdkan km kitorg boleh je ke zaman dinasour,,,haha

kak long,kak ngah,kak cik takut!!haha

aarrgghhh!!somebody,please help me!!

 gunung berapi pon sempat tgok..haha

penggembaraan diteruskan...
nk bawak heli plak...mampu??hee...

"drive heli dlm sangkar pon jadi la..."haha

pehal kanak2 ramai sgt ni...kanak2 xleh bwak tau..=P

we're on TV??!!!haha

shh!!!someone's sleeping here...

then,main gelongsor plak..wee~~

 tetiba plak salah gelongsor kasut wat xpe,sy ada poket doraemon...amik gam lekat kat situ jgak....haha...semua org lalu pandang je..erm,who's care??xpelik sgt pon kan?lalala~
 penggembaraan hmpir tamat...

sempat lg..haha

on the way nk kluar tu,terbaca kata2 ni...
give people facts and you feed their minds for an hour..
Awaken curiosity and they feed their own minds for a lifetime,,,,
 That's means a lot,isn't??erm,td shana kan kasut nazak tp dh elok..kluar2 ksut arina plak..apala nasib..haha..then kitorg g makan kfc..masa nk kluar tu terjumpa sorg mamat ni pkai baju pattern sejibik...apa lagi pegang arina n zati terus lari..terlupa plak ksut arina nazak..then,apa lagi makin trok la kasutnya..haha
ini jdnya...haha...
terpaksa plak kena mencari kasut baru..kat KLCC plak tu..mestila mahal...haha..what to do
?she had to!!!lalalala~~cari mencari jumpa la kasut princess....waw!!

 cantik kot..kasut lama dah x diperlukan lg..
habis madu sepah dibuang..(apa kena mengena madu n sepah dengan kasut dy)haha
 Tetiba teringat kat classmate kitorg yg sorang ni yg xsuka membazir dan berjimat,Mr,Ardham..mesti dy marah Arina..haha..Jom terus jalan...
 Penatla..makan eskrim plak..eskrim pon RM 20 ++..tu dlm keadaan xde duit tu..Aishh,membazir!!=P

 erm,dh masuk petrosains,dh beli kasut mahal,makan eskrmi mahal nak wat pe lg ye??
aha,I got an idea,,,,

Lepak je kan..hehe...

masa plak kan mamat nk nyebok...erm,apa lg..ingat kitorg takot ke..slamber je si Arina bg kamera kitorg kat dy..(kamera kitorg?huh).."tolong tangkap gmbar kitorg...xpasal je..

lpas tu,amik kamera kitorg balik n cakap terima kasih then trus belah dr situ..sempat lg tgok kwn dy wat sign padan muka dr bawah...haha..then,g tgok cerita Senjakala lpas tu balik...masa otw nk masuk pon de lg peristiwa...erm,kitorg dh la pokkai...then,jlan2 jumpa rm 50 dpan mata...wah,Allah nk uji kot...ntahla...then,cari la pekerja kat situ then bg jelah kat dy..suka ati dy nk wat pe pon...

4 tickets for us please..=)

keesokkan hrnya p umah akak nabiha plak...segan jgak family dy ok ja...abg ipar dy n akak dy plak sweet n romantik jer....harap2 nnt future husband perangai mcm tu jgak..(berangan kjap)hahhaa...
lpas tu kitorg fly g egypt plak....=)x percaya??

Ya Habibi!!=)

P egypt naik kete je..=)

ha...jauhkan kitorg berjalan..sampai ke sunway PYRAMID,egypt tu..hahaha...Ingat senang ke nk gi Egypt..lpas tu balik exam dh dekat kot...hehe..UMP,here we back!!!

"ko rasa ok x klu mlm ni kite tido kat sini je?"-biha..=P

pkul 2 pg bru smpai UMp...seronok sgt!!bukannya apa...dpt banyak pengalaman,kenangan manis smua la...and plus,the important thing is,kitorg dpt eratkan hbungan siblings ni lebih u girls....<3..=)