Tuesday 12 April 2011

1st post!!excited..hehe..Just about my friendssss....=)

Hello world....hehe..This is my 1st post.... excited to write a post but don't know what is it..lol! erm...what to post huh?? erm.oh ya!!!wanna talk about my friends...They are such awesome people in my life....love u all....

erm...apa itu kawan ye??what is it??is it important in our lifes??or just like an accessories only..erm,semua org ada jawapannya sendiri...but for me,mestila sangggaaatttt penting kwn2 ni sbb dalam dunia ni bukannya kita hidup sorang2 kan.??we need each other actually...Sebagaimana firman Allah yang ertinya, “Lalu menjadilah kamu karena nikmat Allah, orang-orang yang bersaudara” (Ali Imron : 103).Subhanallah,ini adalah nikmat Allah yg sgt agung dan seharusnya kita memeliharanya...=)

Tapi kawan ni ada mcm2 jenis...we wanna true friends tp jenis macamana ye erti kwn sejati kita??erm,sgt subjektif soalan ni dan mmg susahla nk jwb kan...hehe..But for me, a true friend is the one who holds your hand and touches your heart. who always by your side to share your happiness and throw your tears away...kalau time senang je ade tp time susah xde,xde makananya jgak kan...What is that for??hehehe..

In my life,I found a lot of awesome people (which is my friends) that I'll never forget...NEVER AND NEVER!!hehehe..Selalu di hati Shana of course...Dari zaman sekolah,ke zaman matrik hinggalah ke zaman universiti...

Love them!!!!

here they are,Fatin Bt Fauzi,Santhanavathana A/P Gopalakrishnan and my twin(twin ke?)hehe..Nurul Ajilah bt Mohd Khir..Sgt gila2 and slalu wat nakal kat sekolah dulu sama2(walaupun 2 org pengawas sekolah)hehehe...btw,wat nakal pon cikgu2 join skaki,,hehehe...Miss u like crazy...

Time sekolah dulu jd pulak manager nasyid sekolah..shana sorg je ahli perempuan..why??haha..sounds weird right??lol..ni sbb mak angkat shana ustazah yg handle team nasyid so snang la nk tolong2..byy the way,I know Abg Amar and Tokwan who are really expert in nasyid stuff..They are really awesome!!.erm,tp byk jugak la drama antara bebudak nasyid ni..haha..klu ingat2 balik kadang2 tergelak sendiri..sounds like i'm a crazy girl plak dok gelak sorang2...lol!.

sampai waktu matrikulasi pulak..(Kolej Matrikulasi Perlis)
Lain pulak ceritanya...I found my old friend..We being friend for 19 years actually,,,(old=tua la tu kan)lol!Dulu g tadika sama2,main masak2 sama2,main kawen2 pun sama2..Boleh dikatakan smua sama2 la..hehe..sekolah rendah sama sampaila sekolah rendah..Bila sekolah menengah,dh xsama lagi..berpisahla kiranya...Tp smpai matrikulasi je,tup2!!Kelas sebelah2 je,bilik pun sebelah2 je..Itu la yg dikatakan takdir agaknya.. She is Nurul Hanim Bt Yahya...Here she is...

 Tp sekarang dh berpisah balik sh..She's studying in Universiti Malaysia Terengganu tp time cuti jumpa jgak..hehehhe...miss her..

 These are another awesome people that I met in KMP..They are,Rabiatul Adawiyah,Noor Farahdiana(my craziest roommates ever),Azizah Nozori(people called her mak or ibu),Eza Azwa(funkiest girl),Anis and Nadia(ustazah to be..)..good luck everybody..=)

Malam Busana Muslimah KMP...ramai kengkawan yg bagi support nih..Thanks a lotttt!!!!!!!!!
Bukan ini je..ada lg yg sy syg...They are always in my heart too even everybody dh ikut haluan takdir masing2...here they are..HT4 FoReVeR~~~~~

linda(the coolest),sarah(the cutest),hamidah(paling ayu),zura(craziest),atikah(relax je..),izwan(org kata macho man),idham(org kata handsome boy/ahchong),lai(the genius ),faizatul(relax jgak ni),syafiqah(pendiam je...tp ROCK!!),ili liyana(craziest n ROCK jgak),hidayah(wanita melayu terakhir),wani(slamber),adila(pendiam..)and huwaina(relax,cool and rock)and + shidan(atikah's man)and nazarene(sport boy)

banyak jugak ragam2nya..klu nak cerita xterabis..hahaha...we had such a very precious moments together...tp dlm byk2 kenangan ada hati yg tertambat..they are shidan and atikah..Ht4 dh temukan mereka and hope they'll have a very happy ending....semoga cepat2 kawin ya..(nnt jgn lupa jemput)hehehe..

Dekat matrik juga I met someone that I'll never forget until the end.....lol!(can't mention the name here..That's a secret..)Semoga berjaya menggapai cita2...
sempat lg melukis...kihkihkih
smpai kat Universiti plak..erm,,mulanya homesick sgt..susahnya nk idop..(biasala,xpenah jauh dr family)...tup2!kena jauh gila la...hahaha...masa homesick2 no kwn pun xdpt lg..lg la sedih..hehe..but,I found a new family here..and Love them soooo much..diorg buat smpai shana hilang langsung homesick..they are.....

Ump's debaters

this is Kak Ika..=)

Orator's family....tp ada lg yg xde katsini..well,we are a big family...=)

the Orator members..(for me we are just like a family..)even,klu kdang2 tu adela sikit2 salah faham kan tp itula kot tanda terlalu rapat....I have a lot of awesome brothers and sisters...Abg Khairi (the awesome brother that I ever had) Abg Adam (the coolest brother),Abg adzuan(alumni UUM..shana takut tp sgt baik!!)Qushairi Hashim(Kamus dewan bergerak..)Kak Aisyah(the awesome female debater and sister too).Kak Marissa(the enlish debater)..qamaruddin(paling muda mcm sy)...Helmi (relax je)..Aida and Alif(the craziest sister and brother)and plus Kak Ika(the awesome sister I ever had)..ada lg alumni yg sgt best!!Abg dayat,Abg Mimi,Abg faiz,Abg Azuan,Abg Raja,Abg wan amatt and kak mas...You guys are sooooo AWESOME!!!!

itu xmasuk lg dgan classmate yg gila2+gila2=crazy and mmg sgt gila..(shana pon dh giler kot)hahaha...
girls's E16

they are,hidayah,eryka,zara,izzati,najihah,nabiha,amalina....but wait a minute...someone is missing....erm.....wait arr....knp mcm sunyi je suasana ni??

she is arina..haha..baru cukup...td kurang..patutla xbising..hohoho...erm,semua ni ada la ragam masing2...biasala..kepala sama hitam tp hati lain2...kan?hehe...tp..smuanya mmg rock!!4 tahun lg kita akan bersama...harap2 ukhuwah antara kita terpelihara....love u girl...especially girgirl (itik,landak n burung unta)...kihkihkih...korang mmg giler!!!!!tp dlm e 16 ni yg best nyer,klu ada birhtday mesti ada prank night..ahahha..shana mmg kejam klu mlm tu..boleh kata selalu selamat dr kena kat diri sendiri la kecuali sekali ja...badget time birthday sendiri nnt cuti...soooo,nk takut apa kan?buat je lah kat org,,bukan selalu...nk tau apa yg shana dh wat??,hehehe...

peace...shana la tu..hehe..tp ni blom kejam...sorry izzati...

shana pecahkan belon and lariiiiiiiiii....wee~~~

akibat tuang 3 kilo tepung......

kapel ttap yg wajib kena!!!!bang bang boomm!!!hahaha
 tp by the way,ada 1 mlm yg xterselamat sbb ramai yg xpuas hati!!!!btw,satu mlm je ok!!huhhuhuhu
it's on Azahar's birthday..

tp kwn shana masih syg..kihkihkih..=P

cerita psal roommate pulak...I've hot roommates...hehehe..seriously...
roommates time....
mia unnie,amnie amonim,nisa.....they are soooo HOT!!..
that's all about my precious people that u have..Once you've be my friends,it's means forever....
That's what friendship means to me..tp pelik jugak la sbb ada ja hamba Allah atas muka bumi ni yg sggup tggal kawan sbb benda2 yg xsepatutnya..bak kata kwan saya,,"xboleh la macam tu.."hehehe...so,appreciate your friendship....=)